Friday, May 5, 2017

The Slip's second major review

Quill & Quire has posted its sharp (or Sharpe? Get it?), insightful review of The Slip, running in its May issue. The piece, written by Michael Hingston, provides a really great overview of the book and touches on several of its themes and tropes. Here's a taste of what it says:
"The Slip turns out to be less about morality itself than the way technology can turn our sense of right and wrong into a game of broken telephone. At various points, Sharpe pines for the kind of in-person, straight-shooting conversation he is familiar with from his father’s pub in Charlottetown. That alone wouldn’t have saved him, of course. But Sampson’s novel is a brisk and well-rendered reminder that those who dismiss social media are the ones most likely to get trampled by it."
Read the full review here.