Well, Google Alerts has once again failed me, as there was
a really great capsule review of Weathervane in
The Winnipeg Free Press a couple of weeks ago, which I totally missed. The review is written by the omnivorous Jonathan Ball (you may recall he also wrote the paper's
review of Sad Peninsula back in 2014) and is included in a packet of pieces looking at books by fellow poets Kim Fu, Stephen Heighton, and Susan Holbrook. The review calls
Weathervane "a taut, confident debut from an already accomplished author" and has other nice things to say about it. As always, I'm very grateful for the ink and the publicity.
I also want to apologize for radio silence here on the blog over the last little while. I realize that I posted exactly nothing in the month of July, and didn't do a ton of entries in June, either. I have multiple excuses: a European vacation, edits on my latest novel,
The Slip, due to Dundurn, and another writing project outside of fiction and poetry that is eating up the time I usually devote to blogging. Anyway, please know I am alive and well, and will try to post more often when I can.