Friday, February 21, 2025

Another Guest Post for Rebecca's Newsletter

Well, I'm back with another guest post for my wife Rebecca's newsletter. This piece, called On the Sunk Cost Fallacy, or Why I Wrote a Horror Novel is a deeply personal one for me. It talks about the long, hard road to getting my forthcoming new novel, Lowfield, accepted for publication. 

I put this out there, not just as promotion for the book (which you can pre-order wherever you buy books), but also to share some insider baseball about just how tough the publishing game can be, and the work, luck, and faith you need to have to get your work out into the world. I don't do a lot of confessional-style writing, so please let me know what you think of this piece!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Devouring Tomorrow Launch Party!

Okay folks, save the date! The launch party for DEVOURING TOMORROW will be on April 2 at Toronto's Teddy Beer. I've got a short story, called "Unlimited Dream," included in this speculative fiction anthology about "food of the future." The book is edited by Jeffrey Dupuis and A.G. Pasquella and includes works by Carleigh Baker, Gary Barwin, Chris Benjamin, Catherine Bush, Jowita Bydlowska, Lisa de Nikolits, Dina Del Bucchia, Terri Favro and many more. 

The evening will be a blast, so come out and help us celebrate! See this Facebook invitation for deets.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Reminder: Devouring Tomorrow Anthology Coming in March!

 As I mentioned just about a year ago, I have a new short story, called "Unlimited Dream," forthcoming in a speculative fiction anthology Devouring Tomorrow, edited by Jeffrey Dupuis and A.G. Pasquella. Built around the theme of "food of the future," this book is out in March (not in the fall as previously reported) and is already getting some buzz, including a writeup in last weekend's Toronto Star. I'll provide more updates about this delightful book as they become available, but in the meantime check out its snazzy cover and a fantastic blurb by Chris Turner, author of How to Be a Climate Optimist. Pre-order your copy of Devouring Tomorrow - today!