Thursday, May 16, 2019

Upcoming Event: The Draft Reading Series

Hey ho, Toronto: I have an upcoming event to tell you about: I'll be taking part in the Draft Reading Series on Sunday, May 26, with other draft alumni at an event that includes featured readers Doyali Islam and Leslie Shimotakahara. Provided I can find a tight, five-minute excerpt, this event will mark the WORLD DEBUT of my forthcoming novel, All the Animals on Earth, slated for release by Wolsak & Wynn in spring 2020. If you're free and in the area, please come on out! Here are the details:

What: The Draft Reading Series
Where: St. Matthew’s Clubhouse, 450 Broadview Ave., Toronto
When: Sunday, May 26, 2019
What time: 3 pm.
Fellow readers: Doyali Islam, Leslie Shimotakahara,Nasim Asgari, Ronna Bloom, Melinda Vandenbeld Giles, Amanda Hale, Mahak Jain, and Julia Zarankin.
See event website for more details.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

My Quill and Quire review of Lands and Forests, by Andrew Forbes ..

... is now online on the Q&Q website. This collection is a mixed bag of stories, many of which deal with men grappling against their worst impulses. As I mention in the review, the best pieces in the book - "Graceland" and "Broadcasting" - really stand out and impressed me in multiple ways. When he gives himself the space, Forbes knows how to unwind a gripping tale with characters you get invested in and even come to care about. He remains a writer with tremendous potential.
